Birthdays have always held a special place in your heart. Since you were a kid, you fondly recall how your parents made a big deal about commemorating the day when their wonderful little package was delivered. And even as an adult, you look forward to that one time a year as much as any other celebration, maybe even more so.
And because you were always made to feel special on your birthday, recognizing your friends and loved ones on their birthdays has been something you’ve done gladly, sort of paying forward the joyful experience.
So as luck would have it, your best girlfriend from college also loved birthdays growing up and was eagerly willing to continue the annual tradition with you. All through your twenties, you both went above and beyond to make the day memorable. The birthday girl would get showered with balloons, presents, cake, and a heartfelt card. Then you two would hit the town and dance the night away.
Now, you’re reaching a milestone, turning “The Big 3-0.” It’s been more than a decade that you and your “bff” have been interrupting the daily grind and making each other’s birthdays unforgettable.
Nine months ago, your girlfriend reached the end of her third decade. Since then, you have been anxiously awaiting your turn to be recognized. And if the fun you had on her 30th is any indication, your birthday will be worth the wait.
Finally, the big day arrived…and…well…nothing. Of course, your grandparents and siblings sent cards in the mail, and there was a delivery of flowers in front of your apartment door from your parents, but not a word from your best friend.
That day drug on forever, no last minute limousine to take you to the club, no skywriting of your name with a heart, not even pin the tail on the donkey.
The following morning, she sent you an instant message on social media, “OMG! I totally missed your birthday. I’m so sorry! Hope it was a great day! We’ll have to get together sometime. Love ya!”
Is this even a Callemonit? If your feelings get hurt, and you’re made to feel stressed, I usually say, “Absolutely.” That’s the time for Callemonit. However, sometimes high expectations are met with disappointment. Life has a strange way of trying to make our skin thicker.
The real question is, will you be able to act normally around your closest friend when you do eventually get together, without there being awkward tension or feeling of resentment? Would Callemonit allow you to express your true feelings, so there doesn’t become a lingering strain on the relationship?
Share your thoughts about her dilemma. And has this ever happened to you? Someone important in your life really caught you off guard by actually forgetting your birthday. Was it a friend like the story, a parent, or possibly even a spouse? Did you Callemonit? Did it help?