Thanks for checking out my Callemonit Pledge Page.
I believe it’s safe to conclude, getting good advice from a hypocrite has much less of an impact than good advice from someone who practices what they preach.
With that in mind, a Callemonit Pledge is a commitment to do the right thing yourself, then pass it on, Callemonit when you can.
When you can is referring to opportunities you come across in everyday life to correct your child, discuss with a spouse, inform a friend, and even influence a coworker or stranger about being courteous in our actions and respectful with our words.
As Cher sang, Words are like weapons…they wound sometimes.
And Theodore Roosevelt said, Politeness [is] a sign of dignity, not subservience.
So let’s start working on a better you to make a better us.
Many of the Pledges will encourage you to evaluate your influence with the most important job in the world, being a parent.
So for that reason, I want to start with a generalization Pledge.
We’ve all heard the saying, The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Hopefully when referring to your child, its connotation is complimentary, Timmy is such an amazing athlete…the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Sherri is so smart…, Bobby is such a hard worker…, Lizzy is fabulous on stage…, etc.
The last thing a parent wants is a negative inference, Timmy got suspended for smoking pot…the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Sherri got fired…, Bobby got another DUI…, Lizzy’s quitting college…, etc.
The message is clear. A young child or teenager might have an outstanding school teacher, coach, boss, or relative who makes a positive impression…but undoubtedly…the kind of role model a parent becomes, will have the most effect on youth going forward.
So do your best to emphasize a lifestyle of honesty, integrity, and wholesome values. The future is at stake.
And when you see the beginnings of your child stepping out of line, losing their way, going down the wrong path…make a commitment to Callemonit when you can.
In the movie Sandlot, the line was You play ball like a girl. It was the ultimate insult for a boy on a ballfield, even more so than a crack on his mom.
When I was growing up, I heard You throw like a girl exclaimed much more often.
But either way, it’s disrespectful. So set a good example, then keep your ears open, especially around our youth, and let’s do away with this hurtful implication.
What are your thoughts on this particular pledge? Does it still happen? Please leave in the Comment Box.
After a long day at the beach, it’s inevitable, you’ve accumulated trash. Cups, cans, napkins, plates, plastic forks and spoons, empty lotion and sunscreen bottles…and don’t forget all the broken stuff…rusted beach chairs, inside out umbrellas, cracked shovels, and crumpled boogie boards.
So do what’s right and throw all the trash in the proper containers. Your children will see your example. Even complete strangers nearby might feel compelled to follow suit. And as a result of your conscientious behavior, other vacationers and Mother Nature will thank you.
Then, if you happen to see people leaving their trash behind, find a way to calmly Callemonit when you can. If they seem receptive to friendly advice, maybe start with, “Excuse me, I think you left some trash.” (Do not ruin your vacation by getting into arguments or, God forbid, fights over trash.)
Is trash on the beach a sore spot with you? When you see it happening, and you prefer to Callemonit, what words do you use? Leave in Comment Box.
We’ve all been there. You know where I’m talking…that small section of Hell where unruly children are left unsupervised while the parents appear completely oblivious to the goings-on.
At Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, soccer games, swim meets, karate class, birthday parties, movie theaters, parent-teacher meetings, supermarkets, home improvement stores…they’re the kids who are talking over the instructor, running onto the field and in parking lots, wandering through your house, standing on seats, turning light switches on and off, climbing through displays, chasing down aisles, etc.
For your part, watch your kids and constantly reinforce appropriate behavior in public.
And if you have the confidence, with conviction in your voice, attempt to Callemonit when you can.
Explain to the parent(s), This meeting is important…I’m trying to concentrate…I want to see the show…The party is outside only…I need to shop…and your child is an unnecessary distraction.
What do you do in these circumstances? Is there a way to get through to a neglectful parent without them becoming defensive? What’s a good Callemonit technique? Leave in Comment Box.
Maybe I’m showing my age with these two, but have you ever found yourself adding extra and unnecessary description when recounting a story…like nationality and color, even sexual orientation? (More from “John and Karen: Life on a Rollercoaster“)
John comes home from work, walks into the kitchen with two shopping bags in his arms. Karen says, “Hun, where have you been? I texted you an hour ago to pick up carrots on your way in…I’m trying to get this stew on…and…seriously…(She lifts both hands from her sides like a sheriff drawing his pistols against a wanted outlaw and points at the bags)…what’s all this? I said carrots…and you got two full bags.”
John goes on about all his impulse purchases while steam billows from Karen’s ears. This in itself is a past Callemonit for Karen to reinforce…but maybe another day. She reaches in the bag and pulls out the carrots and gets back to preparing dinner.
In the meantime, John tells the Supermarket Story.
John: “Hun, it was like some sort of block party at the store…I’m in the cookie aisle, checkin’ to see if Oreos are on sale…and lucky day…2 for $4. But I can’t find Double Stuffed. Then I get the grand idea, Check the endcap. Sure enough, the endcap was a giant Oreo display…but…now I got a problem…Hun, did you know there’s like a thousand different flavors of Oreos…strawberry, mint, vanilla, cherry, even orange cream, like the popsicle…it was like Oreo Heaven or something and-“
Karen jumps in, “Hun, you got like 5 minutes to get out this story…I’m takin’ a bath…and judging by the start-“
John: “Alright, alright…so I’m crouched down like a baseball catcher trying to decide what one to get, and then from behind me I hear, The Double Stuffed Orange Cream’s the best. I turn around and it’s Brian and Nick…you know…the Gay Guys from down the corner…”
Karen breathes in, “Do you mean the guys who live on the corner…Brad and Nick?”
John: “That’s what I said…wait…did you just say Brad…sh**…I must have said Brian like twenty times…I hate when I do that…and he always remembers my name-“
Karen: “Hun, tic toc-“
John: “Gotcha…so…(He reaches in the bag and pulls out the orange cream flavored like he’s pulling a rabbit out of a hat.)…I’m takin’ the Gay Guys’ word for it.”
Karen: “That’s what took so long…picking out cookies?”
John: “No…we got to talkin’…did you know the Chinese Guy next to them is sellin’ his house…and you won’t believe what he’s askin’ for it…320…or 325…something like that…but like…isn’t that crazy? I bet he hasn’t put a dime into it since he moved in…he’ll never get it I bet…”
Karen: “Alright, I’m out…bath time.”
Karen exits the kitchen. John’s on her heals, “No…so it get’s better. Just then from the bread aisle…here he comes…the Chinese Guy. (John makes the famous Macaulay Culkin face from Home Alone. Karen doesn’t notice.) I was like Oh sh**, I hope he didn’t hear me talkin’ about his house…and did you know he’s got a black girlfriend who’s-“
Karen stops halfway up the stairs. John practically runs into her. She turns and exclaims, “Hello…McFly…it’s his wife…we bumped into them down the shore on the boardwalk…”
John: “I remember, I remember…but this wasn’t her. The black girl from the boardwalk was much darker than this one…I mean, they’re both really attractive and all…but this one is definitely fair skin…”
Karen walks into the bedroom, closes the door before John, and from the other side with contempt in her voice, “They’re the same woman John…go stir the stew.”
John turns around and starts heading back downstairs and yells up, “I’m gonna grab a beer first…and you’re wrong…it’s definitely a different girl…and there’s no way he’s getting 325 for that house…(He adds more, mumbling to himself quietly.)…he gets 325, and I’m out of here…gonna get me an apartment with my own fair skin black girlfriend.” (He chuckles to himself.)
For these two Pledges, it’s obvious. When talking about other people, more often than not, it’s completely unnecessary to add comments about race, creed, color, religion, sexual preference, etc. Karen tried to subtly Callemonit when you can, but I think John missed her cues.
Do you believe John’s references are worthy of a Callemonit? Or do you think they’re fine, especially since they’re in the confines of his home? Leave your opinion in the Comment Box. Thank you!
Hmm.. Ok you got me on this one. ‘You play like a girl’. To me that would be a compliment followed by a “Thank you”. I’m hoping that comment is not still being said in today’s world as a put down to a male. If it is, I would still encourage my child to say Thank you. It’s not a bad thing to “play like a girl”. I know plenty of girls/women who are outstanding athletes. Yay for anyone who plays like a girl!
Thanks for your comment Amma! Yes, “back in the day” a boy would take it as an insult. But I agree wholeheartedly with you…nowadays it should be taken as a compliment. It’s good to hear the perceived gender gap between male and female athletic ability has disappeared. I love how a Callemonit comment can become a learning tool and a reminder of negative behaviors we should never revisit. And agreed, “Yay for anyone who plays like a girl!” Please feel free to comment in the future.